Employing a CGE model in analysing the environmental and economy-wide impacts of CO2 emission abatement policies in Malaysia


The impact of global warming has received much international attention in recent decades. To meet climate-change mitigation targets, environmental policy instruments have been designed to transform the way goods and services are produced as well as alter consumption patterns. The government of Malaysia is strongly committed to reducing CO2 gas emissions as a proportion of GDP by 40% from 2005 levels by the year 2020. This study evaluates the economy-wide impacts of implementing two different types of CO2 emission abatement policies in Malaysia using market-based (imposing a carbon tax) and command-and-control mechanism (sectoral emission standards).



Carbon tax, Command-and-control, Hicksian welfare, Environmental effects, CGE modelling


Yahoo, M., & Othman, J. (2017). Employing a CGE model in analysing the environmental and economy-wide impacts of CO2 emission abatement policies in Malaysia. Science of the total environment, 584, 234-243.
