Precipitation trend analysis using discrete wavelet transform at the Langat River Basin, Selangor, Malaysia


The main purpose of this study was to determine the most dominant periodic components that affect the annual and seasonal precipitation trends in each homogenous rainfall region in the Langat River Basin, Malaysia for the period 1982-2011. Performing this research could be essential because in the previous studies on detection of trend in Malaysia, the details of variations of different time scales and the periodic responsible for the observed trends were not investigated.



Precipitation, Trend analysis, Discrete wavelet transform, Langat River Basin


Palizdan, N., Falamarzi, Y., Huang, Y. F., & Lee, T. S. (2016). Precipitation trend analysis using discrete wavelet transform at the Langat River Basin, Selangor, Malaysia. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31, 853-877.
