Carbon dioxide balance of an oil palm plantation established on tropical peat


Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission through accelerated peat decomposition is one of the main environmental concerns in the conversion of peatlands into plantations, which undergo drainage to increase palm growth rates and production. Changes in aboveground biomass might also significantly alter the CO2 exchange dynamics of the ecosystem. Despite the potential changes in CO2 balance due to land conversion, so far no study has been conducted using the eddy covariance technique about the CO2 balance of oil palm plantations established on peat. We have monitored the eddy CO2 flux above an oil palm plantation on peat in Sarawak, Malaysia since 2011.



CO2 flux, Decomposition, Drainage, Eddy covariance technique, Mortality, Woody debris


Kiew, F., Hirata, R., Hirano, T., Xhuan, W. G., Aries, E. B., Kemudang, K., ... & Melling, L. (2020). Carbon dioxide balance of an oil palm plantation established on tropical peat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 295, 108189.
