Effect of compaction on soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes from tropical peatland in Sarawak, Malaysia


Tropical peatland stores a large amount of carbon (C) and is an important C sink. In Malaysia, about 25% of the peatland area has been converted to oil palm plantation where drainage, compaction and groundwater table control are prerequisite. To date, relationship between land compaction and C emission from tropical peatland is scarcely studied. To understand the effect of compaction on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) flux from tropical peatland, a laboratory soil column incubation was conducted.



CO2 flux, CH4 flux, Soil compaction, Soil bulk density, Tropical peatlands


Busman, N. A., Maie, N., Ishak, C. F., Sulaiman, M. F., & Melling, L. (2021). Effect of compaction on soil CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes from tropical peatland in Sarawak, Malaysia. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 11646-11659.
