Composition and sources of aliphatic lipids and sterols in sediments of a tropical island, southern South China Sea: preliminary assessment


Near-shore surface sediment was collected from five stations off Redang Island located on the eastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Freeze-dried sediments were Soxhlet extracted and then fractionated using column chromatography into aliphatic and polar fractions. Determination of these fractions was carried out using gas chromatography mass spectrometry.



Marine sediment, Biogenic origin, N-alkanes, Polar aliphatic lipids, Biomarkers


Mohd Tahir, N., Pang, S. Y., Abdullah, N. A., & Suratman, S. (2013). Composition and sources of aliphatic lipids and sterols in sediments of a tropical island, southern South China Sea: preliminary assessment. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 185, 10209-10216.
